by Clerquette
A few stories dominated the news last week: the devastating earthquake in Haiti (have you donated to the relief effort yet, Groupies? If not, here's an option that offers something for everyone!); the star-studded earthquake over at NBC; the linguistic earthquake over Harry Reid's inartful use of the "N" word; and the cyber-quake that will rattle China if Google nobly extricates itself from the hammy fist of government censors. And, of course, from the distant shores of California (and the less distant shore of the Potomac), came news of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the federal case challenging the constitutionality of Proposition 8 --which dashed the marriage plans of brides, brides, grooms, and grooms in California.
In case you were consumed with one of the other big stories last week, or spent your normally studious weekend wondering whether James Cameron would again declare his absolute sovereignty over, well, the world, Clerquette offers you this brief roundup of news from the Perry v. Schwarzenegger front.
- Everything you wanted to know about the genesis of Perry v. Schwarzenegger (but were afraid to ask) is in this delightfully thorough California Lawyer piece, which provides a juicy glimpse of the cloak-and-dagger secrecy that surrounded the filing of the case. Is there a certain irony in a trial strategery predicated upon being somewhat closeted? Clerquette leaves this determination in your wise discretion.
- Air travel in your future? Margaret Talbot's comprehensive piece in the New Yorker will (in typical New Yorker fashion) keep you occupied for as long as it takes for airline security to determine, with respect to each one of your fellow passengers, the answer to the persistent question, "What's in your underpants?"
- Looking for the answer to another persistent question, to wit: is Ted Olson a lesbian? Short answer: yes.
- Looking for liveblog coverage of the trial? Try the NYT's Bay Area Blog; see also (admittedly selected by this blogress because the name "Firedoglake" manages to be both charmingly whimsical and just a little bit badass) and Dan Levine's avatar, "fedcourtjunkie's" real-time tweets.
- Want your explanation of the Supreme Court's decision to prevent the broadcasting of the Prop 8 trial with a healthy dose of outrage? Check out the brilliant Dahlia Lithwick's take on the matter here.
- Read SCOTUSblog's analysis -- and Judicial Superhottie Alex Kozinski's letter concerning television coverage of the trial! -- here.
- Tired of all the "strange bedfellows" commentary about Olson and Boies? Feel free to inform your friends and colleagues, in your most officious tone, that the Dynamic Duo are, in fact, long-time friends; indeed, Boies was among the Illawminati at Olson's 2006 wedding to tax lawyeress Lady Booth.
- Finally, for a bit of pure, archival joy, relive ATL's fabulous coverage of the Olson-Booth nuptials here. Some wedding photos are worth seeing again (and again, and again).
Note to readers: though we welcome your feedback and seek (even beg for, though in the most distinguished sense of the word) your tips and insights, a clarification is in order. Alas; Clerquette is in no position to offer you assistance with your wrongful conviction, your miscarriage of justice, or your claims of corruption in the ranks of the federal judiciary. Although she shares your desire to attract the attention of an Article III judge, Clerquette suggests that your mail concerning any of the above topics be directed to your local Pro Se law clerk!