While it seems Diane Wood is the current front runner, I would like BHO to consider a dark horse candidate that could bring some much-needed fabulousity to the Supremes - Amazing Race grand prize winner Tammy Jih! Tammy is everything that President Hunky is looking for in a justice: young (she's only 28), female, a minority, and a full time litigatrix (NOT a crusty appellate judge). Think about it: she's young enough to not have left much of a paper trail regarding her judicial philosophy, she has trial experience, and America has gotten to know her diverse skill set after watching her every week on season 14 of the Amazing Race. While she may not have to face a deadly cheese wheel or carry a pig on the bench, surely her problem solving approach and drive would serve her well when matching wits with the likes of Nino and the gang. The challenges she faced on the show will be a breeze compared to the Senate confirmation process. As an added bonus, her sartorial sense would be another force in Mrs. Obama's arsenal against the DC fashion doldrums. VIVA LA TAMMY (you know you love her)!
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