The above-signed blogress dreams of events as exciting as and new as the announcement of a SCOTUS nominee (and a potentially diva-riffic one, at that!). Indeed, Clerquette retired last night with visions of the dawning of the Age of Sonia, Diane, Elena, or Janet dancing in her head.
Today, that age dawned, while this blogress watched from cyber exile. Imagine the indignity of being stuck all day in interstate transit, like some kind of heavily regulated truck ... and far from the blogosphere. The horror, dear readers: the horror.
But enough about me. Clerquette directs your attention (or any remaining shards not already focused on the newest Soon to Be Supreme) to Judge Sotomayor.
By now, we all know her story -- and quelle story it is! She's from the hood; she was raised by a single mother after her father's untimely death; she was inspired by Nancy Drew, Girl Detective. She moved on up, from the Bronxdale houses to Princeton, and then to Yale. She's been known to pine - pre swine flu, of course -for pigs' feet. Yes: these are among the elements of a carefully crafted love story to our new Justice-in-waiting, designed to convey the true irresistibility of the woman we are about to pick apart. Indeed, as some have observed, her compelling personal narrative seems almost as central to her presentation as a nominee as her credentials.
In the coming weeks and months, much attention will be devoted to the hypothetical inquiry into why Judge Sotomayor should ascend to Supreme-hood. But, for the moment, this blogress wonders how POTUS could have picked anyone else, given her slam-dunk fulfillment of so many criterion of the "nominee must be empathetic, look good in black," sort. (See, e.g., John Dickerson's thoughts on BHO's calculus, in this Slate piece.)
But there will be time yet, dear readers, for a hundred visions and revisions of our collective thoughts on Sonia from the Block, before the taking of testimony at her eventual confirmation hearing. For now, Clerquette will abstain from further beating of the dead horse, and leave you instead with a few photos which, in her humble opinion, are most likely to become emblematic in the coming months.
Most Likely to Demonstrate the Multi Cultural Values of the Obama Administration
Most Likely to Convey SS's No Nonsense Judicial Gravitas (No Neck Doily Here!)
Most Likely to Illustrate the New York Leg of SS's Amazing Race-from Humble Beginnings to Article III Digs
Got more? You can e-mail me at C[email protected], or find me on Facebook or Twitter!