by Clerquette
This afternoon, Ashby Jones of the WSJ Law Blog blogged a Washington Post story about, inter alia, the "gentle" lobbying by Hispanic groups for the appointment of the nation's first Hispanic member of the Supreme Court. (Whew! Pardon the multiple layers of hearsay.) One of Jones's readers wrote in to say, in essence, "been there, done that." According to the reader, the beloved Justice Benjamin Cardozo - father of privity and proximate cause, champion of The Flopper - was of Portuguese descent. Thus, if confirmed, Judge Sonia Sotomayor would be the first female Hispanic justice.
Putting aside the fact that the Portuguese are not necessarily "Hispanic," there is the small issue of whether Cardozo was actually Portuguese. But Clerquette leaves that debate to the experts ... like Professor Andrew Kaufman, who Jones consulted regarding the mystery of Cardozo's heritage. You can read his comprehensive reply here.
This blogress is interested in a much more pressing issue raised by IMO Cardozo: to wit, the Justice's startling resemblance to Late Night host and lovable cut-up Conan O'Brien. Clerquette directs your attention to the photo array below.
Seriously, dear readers: can you deny the likeness? Although Justice Cardozo is believed to have been celibate, homosexual, suffering from an unusually low sex drive, or overly fond of his sister Nellie (or perhaps a combination of those factors), Clerquette can't help but wonder whether he had a dalliance somewhere along the line, thereby ensuring the survival of his gene pool. How the Justice's likeness resurfaced in an Irish comedian from Massachusetts is yet another mystery, which, in this blogress's humble opinion, may turn on a question of causation.
Posted by: Account Deleted | October 13, 2009 at 07:06 PM
Cardozo is a Portuguese Jew. Cardozo is a Portuguese name. How he is even considered of being Hispanic, is beyond me. Portugal and Spain are two totally different countries in every aspect, that happen to be neighbors. France and Spain are neighbors and i doubt people are confusing the French of being Hispanics. Such ignorance! I am Portuguese/American, and would be furious if someone confused me with being Hispanic.
Posted by: chupamos | September 14, 2009 at 11:54 AM
lol... the resemblance is frightening, esp. that high receding forehead
Posted by: anon | May 14, 2009 at 02:45 PM