By Article III Groupie
Because Article III Groupie is one busy lady, she has enlisted some help around here. You've already had the pleasure of meeting her federal judicial handmaiden, Clerquette (who has already started speculating about Obama circuit court nominees).
But A3G will still make the occasional cameo. You can take the girl out of the judiciary, but you can't take the judiciary out of the girl. Indeed, your above-signed blogress continues to eat, sleep, and even dream about her judicial American idols.
Yes, that's right - A3G dreams about judges. Since it's Holy Week, perhaps that explains why A3G had a dream the other night about going to Mass and finding retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor administering the Eucharist. SOC isn't Catholic, but she is Anglican. Close enough, right?
Justice O'Connor was serving as Eucharistic minister at the back of the church; the priest celebrating Mass was at the front. Not surprisingly, everyone headed for SOC, so they could have their brush with celebrity.
Then A3G's dream got really weird. After Communion, the aisles of the church were filled by topless dancers: large, African-American women, with Ash Wednesday-style ashes on their foreheads. They were wearing baby blue skirts from the waist down - and absolutely nothing from the waist up. Their ample breasts swung furiously in the church's dim light.
Any thoughts on how to interpret this dream? Feel free to post a comment (registration required), or email A3G. Thanks in advance for your Freudian insights.
Email: [email protected]