Last Thursday, July 6, the Supreme Court-obsessed Article III Groupie paid another visit to One First Street. A3G's last visit to the Court wasn't that long ago (June 28). But you know A3G -- she can't get enough of this stuff!
The exterior of the SCOTUS building has been transformed. With the Term completed, and the nine Justices scattered to the four winds, the Court's never-ending renovation project has picked up speed. Check out all that scaffolding:
Apparently the Court's marble facade is being inspected to prevent further occurrences of falling marble. (White Vermont marble, in case you're wondering.)
Due to the presence of the scaffolding, the main entrance to the Court is closed. To enter the building, visitors must walk around to the side entrance, on Maryland Avenue. A sign posted by that entrance claims identifies summer 2008 as the scheduled completion date for the renovation:
When the Supreme Court was first completed in 1935, it came in ahead of schedule and under budget -- an amazing feat for a federal government construction project. Of course, the Great Depression may have helped on these fronts; labor was cheap and plentiful.
Will the current SCOTUS modernization project enjoy similar success? A3G has her doubts...
Lincoln knew this would happen,
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Posted by: Neel | July 11, 2006 at 06:20 AM