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July 25, 2006



Excellent list. Thank you.


Jeremy Blachman (author of Anonymous Lawyer) did work at Wilkie Farr in New York for a summer. And the book is great!


Question: Is Kermit Roosevelt Teddy's grandson? I believe one of TR's son died a hero as a flyer in WWI, another one was a general, the first general landed in Normandy with the troops in WWII (portrayed by Henry Fonda in the Longest Day). And TR had a son named Kermit.
AD thought KR filched Turow's plot. As a matter of fact, it might have been from a real case that was on Court TV. The Forensics found it odd that the DNA from a new rape case matched a convict's who was serving time. He tried to prove that the DNA test was unreliable, and he was wrongly convicted.


Have you read Indefensible by David Feige yet? It's fabulous!

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