Over the weekend, Article Three Groupie asked for your help with this blind item:
Chloe Schama, wore a red-and-white zebra-print frock. Ms. Schama, 22, writes for The New Republic. She went to Harvard. She resembles Claire Danes but is prettier. Her father is someone (the historian Simon Schama), as is her boyfriend, a dapper fellow in a tuxedo with slicked blond hair who clerks for a Supreme Court justice.
A3G asked you: Who's the boyfriend? And several of you responded.
As it turns out, Schama's boyfriend is not a Supreme Court clerk. Schama is dating Michael Pyle, who currently clerks for the venerated D.C. Circuit. And not for just any ol' judge, but the Honorable Merrick B. Garland, a.k.a. "the Luttig of the left" (in terms of his track record as a feeder judge).
During this current Term, five Garlandistas are breathing the rarefied air of One First Street. So A3G wouldn't bet against Pyle eventually joining the ranks of the Elect.
Dear Chloe: You have a famous father, a Harvard degree, and dazzling beauty. But you do not yet have the ultimate prize: a boyfriend who is a Supreme Court clerk.
A3G's advice to you: Just be patient. Hold on to your Michael Pyle stock -- he sounds like a real keeper -- and watch it appreciate, until he gets picked up by one of the justices. It's only a matter of time!
Dear A3G: Congratulations! You unearthed the Mysterious Ken Doll! You must be feeling great right about now. And DO NOT DESPAIR because I feel confident that Chloe is indeed patient, among other virtues, and will one day be featured as the Elected arm candy, or toting of the Elected arm candy, in that venerated circle of brilliant minds. Hurray!
Posted by: NauseousFellowInsider | June 03, 2006 at 01:50 PM