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February 06, 2006


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Five clerks -- and he's not bringing along any of his orphaned clerks from the Third Circuit? Let's keep an eye out for next Term; I hope he's planning to give them a chance.


Today the Washington Post reported that Justice Alito has named five clerks: (Adam) "Ciongoli was one of five lawyers named as law clerks to Alito. Benjamin Horwich and Alexander Volokh will switch to Alito from the chambers of retired justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Hannah Smith and Jay Jorgensen will join Alito after having worked for Justice Clarence Thomas and then-Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, respectively."


Feb. 14 (Bloomberg) -- "U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. has taken the unusual step of hiring a veteran lawyer, a top aide to former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, as a law clerk."

Alito selected Adam Ciongoli, 37, who had clerked for him a decade ago.

Thinking Fool

"Now this is excellent news that says much about Alito's leanings!"

Sixteen years on the Third Circuit DIDN'T say much about Alito's leanings?


Law clerk hiring update: the Chief hires another clerk. Profile here.

Who are Alito's other clerks?

Bill Poser

Just out of curiosity, what does a clerk for a retired Justice do? There aren't any opinions to research or draft or recommendations to make regarding cert petitions. Does she become a research assistant for the Justice's writing?


I ran into Tali this past summer when she was catching up with former colleagues at Debevoise & Plimpton, where she had worked as an associate before heading to the high court. Tali had just finished her clerkship term w/ SOC (I think it was just after SOC's retirement announcement, but can't be sure). She was staying on to work with SOC on SOC's book. No updates since then.


Now this is excellent news that says much about Alito's leanings!

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