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January 24, 2006



Bloomberg reports: "U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. has taken the unusual step of hiring a veteran lawyer, a top aide to former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, as a law clerk."

Who are the Alito clerks?


Help Amber Taylor finish the list


PTN has the full slate.

Clerk Lover

Here's the post about the OT 2006 JPS clerks:

Justice Stevens's Clerks

Article I Groupie

Any info on Bristow Fellows? I look forward to future posts like the instant one.


Didn't you post the 06 JPS clerks a while back? You should link to that again. I look forward to future updates as other justices finish hiring.

Article II Groupie

I heard that Justice Breyer as also hired for 06 - 2 from Harvard, one from Chicago, and one from Columbia. Does anyone have any more info?

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