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November 01, 2005



lauraalito looks sexy


Since the elder issue of arch-conservative of Alito says he was concieved in a "totally reactionary move" no doubt his parents would have aborted him had they not been able to afford good ol' Janie Jean to assist with the whole mess.


I'm surprised to read your raves about the Alito children. I thought Son Alito seemed aloof during his father's big announcement, and Daughter Alito's skirt was a bad misstep--so bad that it approached the terrible outfits Chelsea Clinton used to embarrass her presidential parents with. I anticipate better outfits as her father's nomination progresses.

And what, no analysis of the midwife comment from Son?


Too bad Phil Alito stole his bio from Jonah Goldberg. Read Goldberg's bio on nationalreview.com and tell me they aren't basically the same....


you are too generous with the hottie label

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