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October 30, 2005


Gomer Pyle

I believe it is "The Supreme Court for Dummies."

Tancredo Watch

Stuff like this makes me think that Laura Bush was spot on when she claimed there was a sexist element to the criticism of Harriet Miers. She's history; you've got what you've wanted. Leave her alone and get a life.


Perhaps she is reading Richard Montauk's "How to Get Into the Top Law Schools?"


Could we be nice to this woman now? I think it's time to stop making fun of her.


Dianetics. Gotta be - with the sticker covering the top line (L RON) of the author's name. I mean, it just fits, doesn't it?


Maybe she's reading a Constitutional Law outline?



Samuel Alito

It is certainly not Dan's book. Aside from the lettering (the discount sticker could be covering the title), the paperback edition of DVCode is smaller and fatter.

Harriet's book is an oversized paperback. Oddly, it looks like an edition of Brillat-Savarin's "The Physiology of Taste" that I picked up a few years back. While I don't think that's Harriet's style, I do greatly recommend the book.

Offhand, I would suggest it is a cookbook or travel book, given the size. No phone call yet. They've been back from Camp David for hours. I'm going to sleep.

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