In today's New York Daily News, journalist and blogger Dawn Eden has a piece about blogospheric coverage of the Harriet Miers nomination, "OMG! Miers Blog Probably Phony." In addition to discussing the parodic Harriet Miers Blog (which A3G mentioned here), Ms. Eden recommends the following three blogs for legitimate coverage of Harriet Miers: the Volokh Conspiracy, SCOTUSblog, and yes, you guessed it -- Underneath Their Robes!
As you all know, A3G suffers from considerable status anxiety. As a result, she is always thrilled when she gets validation in the form of a mainstream media mention (which she can add to her UTR press book, in the left-hand column of her blog). And she's especially delighted when that mention places UTR in the good company of such superb blogs as the Volokh Conspiracy and SCOTUSblog.
Also, in terms of bloggers getting mainstream media coverage, Feddie of Southern Appeal was interviewed on NPR's All Things Considered, for a story about the conservative blogosphere and the Harriet Miers nomination. Click here and check it out! (Orin Kerr helpfully points out that the fabulous Feddie appears at the 5:30 mark.)*
A3G's day is off to a good start!
* If you want to start a campaign to draft Feddie for the Supreme Court after listening to him on NPR -- which wouldn't be surprising, given how he "speaks civilly but forcefully to the impact of the nomination on the prospects for his continued political support for the President," as noted here -- then get yourself a Feddie for SCOTUS t-shirt!
Although A3G does not resemble the stereotypical NPR listener, she has always had a soft spot for it, given NPR's prior mention of UTR. (Yes, A3G admits it freely -- she's a shameless publicity whore!)