The White House Counsel's office is a popular perch for Supreme Court clerks who turn down six-figure bonus checks and decide to work in government.* There's never a dull moment in La Casa Blanca; White House lawyers work on a bizarre but intriguing mix of matters. As we learned from reviewing John G. Roberts's documents from his stint as Associate Counsel to the President, attorneys in the office cover everything from the profoundly important (e.g., affirmative action) to the laughably trivial (e.g., endorsement of china patterns).
Well, it appears that Associate Counsel Grant M. Dixton (OT 2000/AMK) has been working on the latter...
* Other common public-sector destinations for the Elect: the Solicitor General's Office; the Office of Legal Counsel; the Office of Legal Policy; and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.