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September 28, 2005



There's some discussion (and a link to an article) here about Mahoney: http://www.confirmthem.com/?p=1374#comments


Mahoney is very conservative, but fair and pragmatic. She's definitely got the conservative bona fides and is no lightweight. Plus, she's hard to oppose: the NAACP called her a civil rights champion after Grutter. I'd be very surprised if she doesn't get serious consideration.


and you can listen to her oral argument in the Grutter case at the Oyez project.



Kmiec seems to be lobbying for Mahoney. Here:

"Pepperdine's Kmiec agreed: 'Law schools have been producing high-ranking female graduates for over a decade. For example, Maureen Mahoney [partner at Latham & Watkins and a former deputy solicitor general] is one of the most excellent Supreme Court advocates. The mere fact she is not sitting on the District of Columbia Circuit ought not to disqualify her.'"

And here:
"Pepperdine University law professor Douglas W. Kmiec ... thinks Mahoney would be an ideal choice. 'I would hope that the president would not be fooled [into] thinking that the pool is narrowed and that he only need consider female jurists in the judiciary,' he said. He said Mahoney was 'of the same intellectual quality and commitment to legal principle' as Roberts."

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