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September 09, 2005


I don't get his quip about his primary care doctor being his dentist? can someone please explain?

S D Watson

I originally sent this to you via e-mail, but it bounced back to me today (weird). Anyway, in response to your query re: pallbearers for WHR-

this article:


has a photo w/ caption identifying the pallbearers. My research revealed the following:

James Duff was a one-time administrative assistant to WHR and is currently managing partner at Baker Donalson;

John Englander (former WHR clerk) is a partner and co-chair of Litigation at Goodwin Procter;

Gregory Garre (former WHR clerk) is a partner at Hogan & Hartson; he worked in OSG from 2000-2004;

Frederick Lambert (former WHR clerk) is a professor at UC-Hastings College of Law;

Kerri Martin Bartlett was at DOJ, but not sure what she’s doing now. No information available on Ronald Tentas. Hope this helps!

BTW, great blog.

I believe several D.C. Circuit judges were there, but I'm not sure which ones.

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