On behalf of the UTR readership, Article III Groupie would like to wish Justice David H. Souter a belated happy birthday! A little over a week ago, on September 17, 2005, DHS turned 66 years old.
A3G has a birthday gift for Justice Souter. She will now remind the world that, contrary to popular belief, Justice Souter no longer lives with his mother. Although DHS still resides in the Souter family farmhouse -- which is looking pretty down at the heels these days, and which may soon be the subject of post-Kelo eminent domain proceedings -- his mother no longer lives there with him. According to the Supreme Court Historical Society bio of Justice Souter,* his mother now "lives near the family farmhouse, in a retirement community." (The fact that he no longer resides with his mother will surely improve the dating prospects of the #4 Superhottie of the Federal Judiciary.)
(Update: This post is the subject of a correction. Helen Souter did move to a local retirement community, but then she passed away.)
So once more, with feeling: Happy Birthday, Justice Souter!
* Speaking of Souter biographies, David Hackett Souter, the new book by Professor Tinsley E. Yarbrough, is now available.
I love your blog but please, please don't give any publicity to Doug Clements, Freestar Media or his Lost Liberty Hotel. In my humble opinion, it's a con to scam people out of their money. I have known him for 16 years and trust me on this one. I was the one who suggested the idea to him in an email back in June and he shamelessly stole it in order to get money to feed his 740iL with Premium and get publicity for his idiotic TV show idea.
As anyone who has read the Kelo decision would know, he has no ability to succeed with his ambition. Yet he persists. Why? As Mark Felt told Woodward, "Follow the money."
Posted by: Jeff Durbin | September 27, 2005 at 03:11 PM
It'll be very interesting to see how the Lost Liberty Hotel project turns out. I expected it to already have disappeared into obscurity, but I'm still hearing tidbits about it. Maybe it has more chance than I figured at first.
Posted by: Terry Jones | September 26, 2005 at 08:12 PM