Confirm Them describes itself as "a collaborative weblog organized by, dedicated to providing not only the most up-to-date news and analysis of the judicial confirmation battles in the United States Senate, but also giving every American the opportunity to let their voice be heard in Washington." The blog appears to originated when the Senate Democrats were (unjustifiably) filibustering a number of (superb) judicial nominees. Hence the site's name, "Confirm Them."
As one would expect from a blog sponsored by, Confirm Them analyzes the judicial confirmation battles from a conservative viewpoint (which suits the right-of-center Article III Groupie just fine). But even if you don't share the site's conservative outlook, Confirm Them is still a great resource for any Article III groupie. Just take a look at the right-hand column of the blog, which collects a ton of helpful links about the judicial nomination process and possible SCOTUS nominees.
What a neat site! How did A3G manage to miss it for this long? She has added Confirm Them to her blogroll. Check it out!
(For those of you on the left, take a look at Supreme Court Extra, a spinoff of Think Progress. It's not updated as frequently as one might expect (as A3G believes a Prawfsblawg blogger might have noted; she can't seem to find the post though). But A3G must admit that the super-glamorous contributors to Supreme Court Extra -- more liberal Supreme Court clerks than you can shake a stick at -- are undeniably impressive.)
Girl, you are letting your partisan colors show! You've been so good about that up 'til now.
Posted by: David | September 21, 2005 at 07:46 PM
Great site indeed. I have stopped going to mainstream sources for nomination updates--confirmthem has it all.
Posted by: Mike H | September 21, 2005 at 04:34 PM