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September 27, 2005


Paul Ajlouny

I think having a unique robe for the Chief Justice is a great idea. I don't really understand why there wasn't some form of attire symbolizing the head of the court BEFORE Rehnquist added the stripes.


He seems to have ditched the stripes.


Looks like the gold stripes didn't make it...

Roberts wore a plain black robe, without the gold arm stripes that had been used by his predecessor, William H. Rehnquist.


Ali Karim Bey

A3G --

I still think it will be Larry Thompson or Judge Callahan.

The news about Harriet Miers is funny. She is like a SC search committee chair. If she gets the spot, then she would be doing a "Cheney". (Hint: Cheney was a VP search committee chair. He then got the job.)



Until I read O'Connor's story about the origin of the stripes, I had presumed that their were four on each arm to signify the four Justices who take their seats on each side of the Chief Justice. With that idea in mind, it seems an emminently sensible design for the chief Justice's robe, and I think Roberts, C.J., should continue the tradition.


A3G, I must admit I'm a bit surprised to find you're so conversant with a postmodern critical discipline like semiotics. I was wondering if you could elaborate on the struggle you alluded to in your post; I presume it to be that between the black robe sans stripes as a signifier for the "first among equals" concept of the chief justice, and the gilbert and sullivan garb as a signifier for, well, what exactly? A more self-indulgent jurisprudence?

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