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August 01, 2005



A3G: You need not worry about "President Clinton II: The Revenge" nominating Judge Wood to the Supreme Court if it is indeed true that she authored opinions ruling -- more than once -- in favor of an organization of which she was simultaneously a member. It seems that this happened in Scheidler v. NOW, at 267 F.3d 687 (October 2001), 91 Fed. Appex. 510 (February 2004)(unpublished), and 396 F.3d 807 (January 2005). According to Sullivan's Judicial Profiles: The Illinois Judicial Directory, which re-surveys judges annually regarding such affiliations, Judge Wood has been throughout her judicial career a member of the Plaintiff class, the National Organization for Women, or from the year 2000 to the present a member of the Chicago chapter of NOW.*

I'm sure Judge Wood is aware that she is required to recuse herself when she has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party. (28 USC 455). I'm sure she is also aware that 7th Circuit precedent requires that she recuse herself sua sponte in such circumstances, regardless of whether the parties have raised the issue.

It is therefore not surprising that the Supreme Court has again granted cert in this case (argument is set for November 30). Last time the case was before them, during OT2002, the Court ruled 8-1 to undo Judge Wood's handiwork. One would hope that her bias will be met with a similar reaction this coming term.

* Here is more information about the case, the info on Judge Wood, and NOW President Kim Gandy's response to a post in which this information was repeated (in which she conspicuously did nothing to refute or even address the allegation regarding Judge Wood).

Anonymous Too

I have no doubt that A3G is conservative. But I think her fear-mongering with respect to smart liberal judges is at least 50 percent tongue-in-cheek.


A3G - I have enjoyed reading your blog, even though we do not share the same political views on the judiciary. I never read in your blog an absolute unfounded hatred for the left, but begrudging respect for all jurors. However, this comment will cause me to cancel my feed: "How will A3G be able to sleep tonight, having just been reminded of one of the most powerful, frightening legal minds of the American left?"

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