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July 20, 2005


Prince Revaissance

Note that his middle name is Glover. Wonder if he's related to Revolutionary War General John Glover, the commander of the Potomac Crossing Marblehead Mariners. Any info out there?

John H. Miller

Note that his name is John Glover Roberts. I wonder if he is related to Revolutionary War General John Glover, of Marblehead Mariner fame. Any info out there?

Supreme Court Zeitgeist

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James Smith

Did Judge Roberts work for the
office of profesional responsibility of the F.B.I.


Great. Another Bob Jones University type authoritarian clone.


I weep for the slow death of America.

"President Bush said the job of the Supreme Court was extremely important because these are the people we choose to pick the next president of the United States." --Jay Leno

naoma foreman

Was this marriage Roberts' FIRST?

Chief Justice Rehnquist

Judges who clerked on the court with the same Judge who they clerked for --- one more on the Ninth. Cynthia Holcomb Hall and Richard Chambers. Judge Hall was the first woman law-clerk in the federal judiciary. She later became a Ninth Circuit judge and Judge Chambers was still there as a judge some thirty or forty years later. . . .

Deborah White

Sounds like he will be an excellent and respected jurist on the Supreme Court. In fact, I predict that, with his young age and vast scholarship, he will someday become Chief Justice.


A3G, Who will be Judge Roberts' law clerks for 2005-06?


Just FYI, Roberts was not first in his HLS class; i.e., he did not win the Fay Diploma in 1979. Thomas P. Storer (now deceased, but he was a partner at Goodwin Procter in Boston) graduated first in the 1979 HLS class.



"Roberts is an avid golfer who hasn't been able to spend much time on the course since adopting a son and a daughter about five years ago, Bartolomucci said."

not a feeder

Question 9 is misleading. His 2003 earning included his pay-out when he left H&H for his partnership interest.

Sean Sirrine

I don't think it really matters A3G, but I believe that Roberts entered Harvard as a sophmore.

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