Article III Groupie has been swamped at work since returning to the office after Memorial Day, which is why she hasn't done any significant blogging (or responded to blog-related email) in weeks. But work is finally starting to let up for her, knock on wood, and she is now scrambling to get back on track in the blogosphere.
A3G has been very frustrated by her inability to blog lately -- so many blog-worthy developments have taken place in recent weeks! This is particularly true in the area of judicial nominations. In the past few weeks, several nominees -- some who have been patiently waiting, for years, for up-and-down votes -- were finally confirmed by the Senate. Since voting to confirm Priscilla R. Owen to the Fifth Circuit on May 25, the Senate confirmed the nomination of the new #1 judicial diva, Janice Rogers Brown, to the indelibly prestigious D.C. Circuit; the nomination of the boyishly cute William H. Pryor, Jr., to the Eleventh Circuit; the nominations of Richard A. Griffin and David W. McKeague, both to that judicial snake pit called the Sixth Circuit; and the nomination of Thomas B. Griffith to the sacrosanct D.C. Circuit. (A3G hereby removes from Thomas Griffith the ignominious distinction of being UTR's "five minutes ago" judicial nominee.)
Congratulations to all of these distinguished and delectable jurists, the latest additions to the star-studded circuit courts! A3G wishes them long and successful tenures on the federal appellate bench.
Speaking of judicial nominations, if Article Three Groupie had had more time recently, she would have also joined in the speculation concerning possible successors to Chief Justice Rehnquist (who may, or may not, be retiring at the end of this Term). To readers seeking the latest news on who might be bound for One First Street, A3G commends you to the new and exciting Supreme Court Nomination Blog, a sister blog to SCOTUSblog.
Okay, that's all for now. A3G is imminently returning to active blogging -- so please check back here soon!