Article III Groupie has been very busy at work these days. If she had more time, she would join in the "comment war" taking place between UTR readers concerning Justice Scalia's recent visit to NYU Law (a judicial sight-ation that was even picked up by Page Six and Gawker). To read the comments, click here and scroll down the page; there's some interesting stuff.
If she had more time, A3G would also issue an updated version of her list of Supreme Court clerks for October Term 2005. But she is still processing the tons of helpful emails that she received in response to her UTR Discovery Request seeking information about the OT 2005 clerk class.
A3G thanks her readers for all of their OT 2005 contributions (and apologizes for not responding to each email personally). She believes that she now has information -- at least in terms of names, law schools, and prior clerkships -- about all of the elves who will be toiling at One First Street starting this summer.
But she must also chide some of you, for your inability to follow directions -- surprising in a bunch of people who owe much of their success to standardized test-taking. Many of you submitted name, law school, and prior clerkship information for OT 2005 clerks -- but omitted the requested juicy tidbits. And Momma Groupie wants her tidbits, chickadees!
So please email A3G with fun facts, trivia, or gossip about the OT 2005 Supreme Court clerks. And this request extends to the clerks whose names appeared in A3G's original post; just because A3G knows they'll be clerking at the Court does not mean she has any good dish about them. The sooner A3G has her tidbits, the sooner the full list will appear. She thanks you in advance for your help!