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March 10, 2005



There's an even better and funnier solution proposed today at the Daily Pepper blog for the Supreme Court vacancies problem. It would mean the greatest good for the greatest number. www.dailypepper.com


There's an even better and funnier solution proposed today at the Daily Pepper blog for the Supreme Court vacancies problem. It would mean the greatest good for the greatest number. www.dailypepper.com

James Richards

Very well written article. When I saw your recommendations for the top spots, I had to stop in the middle so I could call my brother and tell him all about it.


hi e-mail me soon asap

good job


Thankfully, I have all sorts of character issues that'll take me out of the running long before it comes to the point of high expectations. Oh, and the fact that my grades sniff the warm grill of mediocrity doesn't help.

But I'll always have the fact that I was funnier in class than any of the Elect. And what's REALLY more important?

Karl Maher

To quote Jack Benny:


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