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March 04, 2005



Not only is he an incredible judge, he is a loving kind uncle to me and I am blessed. Stacia


I have known the Judge and his family for a long time....this interview (and part II) give everyone a great insight to a fantastic guy and a great judge.


Wow, I'm sure Congress will be glad to know that $158k/yr is a living wage, as long as there are no children and it's not the primary income, so they can ease up on their push for a $75 minimum wage.

And knowing that successful private lawyers make ungodly amounts of money doesn't have any bearing on the adequacy of the 95th-percentile salary in question. That information is relevant only to the question of recruitment, and as the Judge noted and your enthusiasm makes clear, people would do the job for free, so it's actually only the sub-question of recruiting those among the best and the brightest who are nonetheless not bright enough to subsist on low six figures.

I'm not trying to say that judges shouldn't be paid handsomely, but I do find it offensive to hear about what a sacrifice it is for public servants to have to accept an income merely 3.6 times the household median.

All of that said, I don't mean this to be a flame, because I do very much enjoy the content and tone of your blog, despite my rather different politics.


An absolutely wonderful read.

Keep it up, A3G.

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