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November 04, 2004



I once saw Judge Douglas Ginsburg in a Caribou Coffee as, coincidentally, I was discussing one of his recent opinions with two other attorneys, and the frisson of it was all we could talk about for weeks.

Loyal Cinci Correspondent

That is not true! If you saw Halle Berry, Jennifer Anniston or Mo Rocca crossing the street, would you not comment on that to your significant other upon arriving home? Of course you would. The same is true with federal judges! I can barely refrain from snapping photos madly, or screaming adoringly.
Obviously, you do not accord federal judges enough respect.


Love the blog, A3G, but you might want to think about scaling back on the judicial sightings feature. No one really cares if someone saw this or that judge crossing the street. We'd rather hear your witty opinions on judicial issues, if you lack news to talk about.

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