Things have been a little quiet as of late in "Judicial SIGHT-ations," UTR's celebrity sightings column. If you happen to see a federal judge out and about, please don't forget to e-mail Article III Groupie with the exciting news!
For the time being, here are two quick judicial sightations. First, an Ohio-based reader writes:
Today during lunch I saw legendary Sixth Circuit liberal lion Nathaniel R. Jones walking in downtown Cincinnati wearing a Kerry/Edwards sticker. Naturally, the first thing I did when I got back to the office was see if he is still hearing cases on senior status, so I could complain that he's too overtly partisan for a sitting federal judge. But no. Sadly, Judge Jones has apparently now retired from judicial service, to Blank Rome's Cincinnati office [where he serves as senior counsel], so I guess he has every right to wear said sticker in public. Boo-hoo.
Second, out on the West Coast, a certain fabulously feline, Latina lioness--Ninth Circuit Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw, the #2 Female Superhottie of the Federal Judiciary--was spotted painting the town with her husband, Los Angeles power broker Bill Wardlaw. Judge Wardlaw, previously described in these pages as a "brainy and beautiful jurist" and "Heather Locklear in a black robe," was celebrating her 20th wedding anniversary with hubby Bill. The Los Angeles Daily News, in this article, offers the following account of the Wardlaws' night out:
It's good to be a kingmaker.Just ask Bill Wardlaw, the man credited with masterminding the election of the city's last two mayors.
Wardlaw and his wife, federal appeals court Judge Kim Wardlaw, were recently celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary at the City Club in downtown Los Angeles with a few of their friends.
Friends like Mayor James Hahn. Friends like Councilman Bernard Parks. Friends like Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa. All three just happen to be running against one another in next year's mayoral election.
To congratulate the couple, Hahn had a special proclamation prepared to present to them. And, in a spirit of conviviality, observers said he invited Parks and Villaraigosa to join him.
"This might be the last time you see the three of us like this," Hahn was said to have told the crowd.
Such an agglomeration of sex appeal, money and power is like catnip to A3G, who wishes the Wardlaws a very happy anniversary. Meow!
Purring with satisfaction,