In today's installment of Courthouse Forum: Letters to Article III Groupie, A3G brings you correspondence that has taught her a valuable lesson, one that women everywhere would be wise to heed: Don't flirt publicly with multiple federal judges at the same time!
As you may recall, A3G was recently offered the opportunity to dine with Judge Richard Posner, a federal judicial superstar of the highest order. In the post crowing about her lunch invite from Judge Posner, A3G stated: "The prospect of an actual lunch with this preeminent jurist may be just enough to bring her out of hiding. This is an invitation that Article III Groupie must carefully consider."
About a week later, A3G received the following e-mail:
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 22:49:58 -0700 (PDT)From: The Easy Rider [to learn the origin of the nickname, click here]
To: Article III Groupie
Subject: Re: I am not your only fan...
A3G, I'm a bit miffed that you're seriously considering having lunch with Judge Posner--where you plan to show him irrefutable proof of your femininity--while you won't even let me have your real fax number. I guess I'm good enough to carry a sandwich board for UTR, but your personal favors you save up for the luscious Judge Posner.
To tell you the truth, I understand your position. If I had any femininity to show, you can bet I wouldn't hold back when it came to Judge Posner - let's face it, he's a babe.
Ciao. AK
As you can imagine, A3G felt absolutely awful--and terribly guilty--after receiving this message from her most favorite federal judge (and the #1 Superhottie of the Federal Judiciary). She responded to Judge Kozinski as follows:
Dear Judge Kozinski:Come now--you know you're my main squeeze. I may flirt with other judges, but I always return to my man!
For the record, my raising the possibility of lunching with Judge Posner was made for rhetorical effect in that particular post. I have no plans to take him up on it; rules are rules. Also, my comment was made in response to a specific invitation by him. I have received no specific invitations to go bungee-jumping or snowboarding with you!
Thankfully, all's well that ends well. The Easy Rider had the following reply:
Yea, I knew. but I just wanted to hear it from you. ;-)Ciao. AK
Phew! A3G harbors boundless admiration for "the luscious Judge Posner," who is indeed "a babe." But her heart belongs to the Easy Rider, and she is relieved that he has taken her back.
P.S. Please note that there are four exclamation points in the title of this post; the title of the post regarding Judge Posner's letter had only three.
P.P.S. Her fidelity to Judge Kozinski notwithstanding, A3G will consider having a torrid cyberaffair with any federal judge--male or female--who is willing to be the first interviewee for Questions Presented...