As a certain venerable canine might say, "Ruh-roh!" In the process of trying to score a "Judicial Sight-ation," one of A3G's best friends in the blogosphere, Dylan of The Slithery D, may have given a federal judge (or his wife) a bit of a scare on the road. Please click here for the account of Slithery D's vehicular misadventures, involving the trailing and photographing of a federal judicial vehicle with "U.S. Judge" license plates customized to read "USA 61."
The vehicle at issue, a Lexus SUV, is shown in the photograph at right (provided courtesy of The Slithery D). Does anyone know who the judge in question might be? If so, please send this jurist the profuse apologies of Dylan and Article III Groupie, and please reassure the judge that no harm was intended (and compliment the judge for having good taste in cars). As noted in this post, A3G loves federal judges "not wisely, but too well," and apparently The Slithery D shares her affliction. Just at teenage girls have been known to faint after setting eyes upon Justin Timberlake, seeing a federal judge outside the courthouse can drive even a normal and well-adjusted UTR reader like The Big D into a state of temporary insanity.
To those UTR readers who expressed concern to Article III Groupie about "Judicial Sight-ations" leading to invasions of Article III privacy, A3G can see how this incident may provide support for your position. Article III Groupie hereby urges her readers to use good judgment and restraint as they go about making "Judicial Sight-ations." (But one can't help thinking: If a federal judge wants to go unnoticed, should she really get a license plate advertising her judicial status? After all, getting out of speeding and parking tickets should come at some price...)
Seeing as we're on the topic of federal judges behind the wheel, this is as good a time as any for Article III Groupie to issue another discovery request to her readers. As previously noted, one of UTR's coming attactions is a special report entitled "The Wheels of Justice," discussing the vehicular preferences of federal judges. If you have any good gossip or funny stories about federal judges and their cars or driving skills (or lack thereof), please send them to me, Article III Groupie, via the information superhighway (i.e., by e-mail).
Rolling with her homies,
im sorry... but this car aint no LEXUS. This is Mercedes
Lexus here: Lexus
Mercedes here: Mercedes Benz
see the difference?
Posted by: lexus exus | December 23, 2004 at 10:58 AM