Article III Groupie apologizes for being rather delinquent--several days have passed since her last post on this blog. Work (as in her day job) has been unfortunately rather demanding as of late. In addition, A3G is working hard on some delightful special reports, including one on feeder judges and the previously promised, very belated report on Guido.
Going forward, A3G is going to try to issue posts with greater frequency, even if these posts may be shorter than her usual. Many weblogs consist of the author's random ruminations for a particular day, and A3G may try to take UTR in this direction. While she will still produce longer, in depth special reports on selected topics of interest, she will try to intersperse pithier posts into the mix.
No new posts will be appearing until late Sunday night or early next week, however; Article III Groupie is going out of town this weekend (and this time for pleasure rather than business). In the meantime, she leaves you with two "Judicial Sight-ations" items:
--The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy: Earlier this summer, Justice Stephen G. Breyer attended the convention of the American Constitution Society in Washington, D.C., where he delivered the keynote address. Sans robe, Justice Breyer was "clothed in a dashing, khaki-colored summer suit," according to A3G's correspondent. He was spotted near the ATM in the lobby of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, flanked by (presumably) his wife and two members of his security detail. As UTR's source amusingly notes, Justice Breyer "probably had to go buy himself a venti frappuccino as a pick-me-up, after Larry Tribe's long, rambling, and self-referential 'introduction' of his keynote!"
--I'll Take A Venti Alito, Please: Another UTR correspondent reports: "Last week I spotted Judge Samuel Alito wandering down Broad Street in Newark, New Jersey, near his chambers. He was wearing a blue blazer and seemed a bit distracted (as he can sometimes seem, given his professorial personality). Maybe he was heading down the street to Ward's Coffee Shop, to get himself a large cup of Judge Alito's Bold Justice Blend?"
This correspondent then directed A3G's attention to an article in the May 22, 2000 edition of the New Jersey Law Journal, which offered the following report:
Federal appeals judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. is getting the celebrity treatment in Newark, and it's not because Newsweek said last month that he is on George W. Bush's list of potential Supreme Court nominees. It's the designer coffee. T.M. Ward Coffee Co., a 131-year-old mecca for the caffeine-challenged near Alito's chambers, says it's doing a brisk business in a new brand: "Judge Alito's Bold Justice Blend." Ward saleswoman Vera Barbosa says Alito's clerks, who drop in every morning to buy coffee, spent weeks experimenting with various blends and came up with a mixture the judge loved: New Guinea, Java, Celebes and expresso beans. The blend was so good, the store put Alito's name on signs over the barrel and the thermos dispensing the concoction. But does the word "bold" in the brand refer to the judge or the coffee? "Both, " says Alito's law clerk, Clark Lombardi.
Okay, must run. Toodles!
Thirsting for a venti caramel frappuccino,
Summer may be a slow time, but WHAT is with the four-year-old news of Judge Alito's coffee preference? Yawn! You want news? Well, as a fellow Article III toiler in Newark, I have the following 'declaratory judgment': Judicial hotness, thy name is Judge Chertoff! In addition to having a reputation as a blistering cross-examiner and lawyer extraordinaire prior to his ascension, Judge Chertoff is rumored to enjoy pumping iron, cutting a dashing figure in his roadster, and--as an avid runner--is reputed to be the fastest judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals. Any word on whether there is a blend named after this up-and-coming hottie?
Posted by: Coclerqette | August 09, 2004 at 04:30 PM