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June 07, 2004


Franklin D. Vipperman

Franklin D. Vipperman
3000 So. Sandhill Rd. # 103
Las Vegas, NV. 89121
[email protected]

Re: Overwhelmingly corrupt police, prosecutors, judges, courts, state, federal, and United States Supreme, attorneys, District Attorneys, Attorney Generals, politicians, jails, prisons, pardon and parole boards all over this country. And their joint horrendous acts and actions being aided and abetted by the despicable news media. Who while acting in collusion and conspiracy with the deplorable legal system, keeps it all covered-up pursuant to their cowardly fear of losing their right to freedom of the press. And yet are the soul cause of tens of thousands of innocent people being convicted, imprisoned, and murdered by execution, pursuant to their blatantly false, slanted, and fabricated writings and publications in newspapers, magazines, television and radio.

Wouldn't it be amazing and near inconceivable, if someday someone
out there had enough guts and courage enough to tell, prove, and publish
the real truth about the overwhelmingly corrupt legal and judicial systems,
police, prosecutors, judges, courts, alleged defense attorneys, and
politicians, all over this country. That have been forever living off the public,
and lying to and deceiving the public, since the beginning of time.
Well, that someday is now: And that someone is me: Franklin D.
Vipperman, Author of the three recently published book series, The Deal
Makers, The Cesspool, and Hell Hole. Three extremely hard hitting books
which are the first of their kind in history that indisputably brings it all to
light, and overwhelmingly proves it all to be true: He names them all,
and proves it all with court records, incorporated into his books.
Vipperman tells how he took down his original alleged defense attorney,
Harry Eugene Claiborne, who had became a Federal Judge. And obtained
his conviction, imprisonment, and impeachment by the US Senate.
Vipperman can further be credited for causing the prosecutor that framed
him, Earl Gripentrog, to be imprisoned. And the despicable trial judge
Carl J. Christensen that railroaded him to be removed from the bench.
And through his books and writings, managed to get his alleged trial/appeal
counsel, Jeffrey D. Sobel, who had since became a district court judge to
be removed from the bench in recent elections.

Franklin D. Vipperman, Author of the series of three recently
published hard hitting powerful true books attacking the overwhelmingly
corrupt legal and judicial systems. The only books of their kind in history,
wherein it is [all] proven far beyond doubt. And unequivocally substantiated
with authentic photographs, documents, court transcripts, and testimonies.
Must reads for all those who truly care about their freedoms, and the
freedoms and futures of their children, family, and loved ones. See his
Writ Of Certiorari to the US Supreme Court in Docket No. 03-453
parts 1 and 2 and his books at; http://www.frankvip.com
In their order as written and can be found for free previews and
purchases, click on the below links or go to sites: http://www.frankvip.com
The Deal Makers AH at http://www.AuthorHouse.com/bookview/4376
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 1-58721-956-5
The Cesspool AH at http://www.AuthorHouse.com/bookview/5470
ISBN: 0-75960-871-7
Hell Hole AH at http://www.AuthorHouse.com/bookview/7550
ISBN: 0-75964-951-0
The books can also be ordered through http://www.AuthorHouse.com where
they can be instantly downloaded onto your computer, or delivered to your mail
box in paper back. And also ordered through Barnes & Noble, Borders, Amazon, and almost all computer on line book sites and book stores, including his web
site at http://www.frankvip.com
Vipperman retains all rights to his books:

Please: Read, learn from, post and forward this information to everyone
possible. This entire country needs to know the real [truth] about the horrors
of the overwhelmingly corrupt legal and judicial systems that surround them
every moment of every day. And is constantly and continually illegally and
unconstitutionally denying and depriving you and yours of your liberties,
freedoms, properties and possessions, and birth given Constitutional Rights.

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